How to fix Yahoo Mail not Working on iPhone

iPhone has set up its own goodwill by providing the customers with the best of Smartphone version. You can simply download the applications and files and use it for both personal and professional experience. However there are some people who are unable to use Yahoo account on apple devices because of the issues in the account. If you notice the similar problems in the Yahoo account while logging in the Yahoo account then fix it using troubleshooting method.

Reasons behind Yahoo not working on iPhone

The main reasons behind Yahoo mail not working on iPhone can happen because of the following reasons.

  • Bad internet connection
  • Outdated operating system
  • If you don't update the application
  • Virus attack on the phone
  • No space in the storage

Tips to use for fixing the Yahoo not working in an iPhone

1.First of all, if you are unable to log in your account then check the internet connection of your iPhone and make sure if it is working or not. In case no then try to reset the internet connection on your phone.

2.Now cross check the credentials of your Yahoo account if you are entering the correct username or not. In case you completely forget the password of the yahoo account then you can take the help of the account recovery mediums.

3.Secondly, try to clear all the cache files and cookies from the account so that you would be able to visit the new sites.

4.Update the IOS of your phone to be able to use certain applications on your phone.

5.Keep an antivirus install in your phone to be sure of no malware on the device that can result in draining the device and affect the performance as well.

Taking the help of the technical team

Despite using the following mediums to resolve the issue of Yahoo Mail not working on iPhone, you can even take the help of the customer care team that helps the users 24x7. You can contact the customer care team and make them aware of the doubts you are having.


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