How to change Suddenlink password

It's turning into a pattern for ISPs to bolt the remote design fields on the modem/switch combo units they introduce. In the event that you feel stayed with a ludicrous default SSID and secret word, don't stress. You can modify them! The accompanying advances were composed for Suddenlink, utilizing the Hitron CGNM-2250. These means are particularly obliged Google Chrome clients, however a similar standard applies to any program or toolbox equipped for reviewing and altering HTML components.
Suddenlink tech support expert team provides best help for change Suddenlink password
  • Sign into the web interface of the switch or modem by heading off to the passage address. For the Hitron CGNM-2250, the address is as a matter of course and the Username/Password is cusadmin/secret key
  • Open the menu in the upper right and pick "Remote" to explore to the Wireless settings page. Pick either 2.4G or 5G to alter the settings for that band.
  • You may see that the fields are not interactive, or editable. Everything they're doing is adding a handicapped tag to the HTML, and we will evacuate that.
  • Right tap on the SSID field, at that point pick "Review."
  • Audit the Chrome engineer apparatuses that open up. There is heaps of startling looking code here, yet what we're searching for is the featured component, and the going with "incapacitated" tag. Right tap the handicapped tag to open the setting menu for that quality.
  • Snap "Alter quality" and erase the "debilitated" tag by squeezing the Delete key or Backspace
  • Close the engineer instruments by tapping the nearby catch (x) in the upper right.
  • Take a gander at the form now. The SSID field will be editable at this point. Change it to whatever you need, since opportunity.
  • Rehash the past strides for any field you need to alter. At that point click Save Changes

 These are the best steps and are sure shot. Still if you are yet stuck with your issue then you need to contact the expert team. You can either send them an email or call them up on the Suddenlink tech support number.


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