
Showing posts from April, 2020

How To Stop Pop Up Ads On Android

Stop pop up ads on my android device Android is an operating system which is designed or developed for mobile phones. It was developed by Android Inc.  It is a very good and popular operating system that now companies uses this for mobile phones. This is the most used operating system for android devices. It is mostly used in mobile phones. The common problem with android device is pop up ads which come on android device.      As chrome is the default browser for introduced, so it is mostly used and then popup comes. As these are the distractions which cause head ache to the user. It is difficult you block or stop pop ups but it is possible with some steps. The main feature of the Android is it can back up all your data in a smartphone. Something becomes very annoying any frustrating when pop up comes every time and disturb the work. It is important to know about  How to stop pop up ads on Android .  If you want to stop pop up ...

How To Set Up Google Alerts

A simple method to set up your Google alerts: Google alerts are the most important and the efficient way to collect the blog post and the most relevant news that you have always wanted. We have encountered many who bother their intern for this. But now, this can be done easily by setting up the alerts in Google. Now the question that arises is, “ how to set up google alerts ?” Well, the answer to this question is not so tough. You have to follow a certain process for this and then you can create your own Google alert. Let us see the process for that. Setting up the Google alerts: The process of setting up the Google alert starts by going to the Then, fill in the search term to track that and you will see a result preview as per your choice of search. You have to now choose “Show options” and choose how many times you want to receive the alerts like once in a day or in a week. In the next step, you can go for choosing the source for your alerts li...

Why is My Sbcglobal Email Not Working and How to Fix it

Know the reasons why SBCGobal email doesn’t work and solutions to fix it? SBCGlobal email users may have to deal with its not working issue sometime, which can occur due to minor technical errors. Whenever SBCGlobal email not working error occurs, it causes problem for the user who may be waiting for some urgent email or trying to send something important. People may wonder while encountering the SBCGlobal email not working problem, that why does it happen and how to fix it. Hence more brief details about the SBCGlobal email not working problem are discussed below. Why does SBCGobal email not work? If you are wondering that why does the SBCGlobal email unable to work, go through the common error causing the problem as enlisted below: Issue with the internet connection Browser pop-up settings are blocking it SBCGlobal email server settings are incorrect Browser cookies are preventing it What are the ticks to fix SBCGlobal email not working error? Some techni...

How To Change Yahoo Password

Learn everything to change Yahoo email account password Yahoo email account is quite a free webmail account in terms of sharing and receiving emails among the clients. Yahoo email account accepts the correct email address and password to access whether you are using a mobile or laptop devices. You can visit the sign-in website of the Yahoo email account where you can make some changes with your Yahoo email account in no time. There are various users who at times forget or hacked their email address or password to access but using this website they can reset and recover the password without facing any trouble. Along with this, if you want change yahoo email password, you are going to secure your free webmail account from any kind of unauthorized access. This is a peace of marvelous things when you are going to change the email address to password of Yahoo email account. You will able to save your account for a long time from any kind of mishap and you can share amazing ...

How To Reset Sbcglobal Password

Procedure to reset Sbcglobal password SBC global is one of the most demanding email service providers by AT&T with its association program generally used for providing host range of email, data services or the other telecommunication services. It becomes the need of hour for the rapidly growing users to share the information across the web of the network.  Instead of being a trusted platform, this account encounters several problems of server or to change the password. But here you will see a simple approach that is required to  Sbcglobal password reset Learn the deep insights to configure SbcGlobal email settings. If you are looking to access your Sbcglobal email account from the desktop or from any other device, you will be require of IMAP and STMP settings to accelerate the process. Go through the name of the server that will be required to create the map of web cloud for the users as Apart from that even you can recognize the source of ...

Know Snapchat Account Recovery Process

Gain a proper method to recover Snapchat account soon It is quite painful literally when you forget or hacked the password of your account. If you have lost or forgot the password of the Snapchat account specially, it is necessary to check out the privacy orientated features that would help you to get back your account soon. You might face any kind of scenario while recovering your Snapchat account password. Snapchat account is extensively useful for each and every user across the world in terms of sharing important information privately. But when you unable to access, you must face a major issue or utmost painful situation, but your problem is resolving here through this page soon. You can recover the password using the verification codes that you will get right after entering the correct mobile phone number or alternate email address. It is  a Snapchat account recovery Code  that helps you to provide a password recovery link that allows entering the appropriate pa...